Academic Writing? Yes, I am ready!!!
“Academic Writing almost drives me crazy every time I came into the class”, “Why is this so hard?” “Be careful when you come into the Academic Writing class”, “Be ready!”. Those all are following reasons about Academic Writing class. Almost everyone from the older cohort (angkatan) said exactly the same about it. They say it was hard and crazy. Moreover, it has lots of pressures. For those who have already taken this course and gladly passed the course will feel very release because they have already succeeded. However, for those who have not taken the course yet, it is such a nightmare for what older cohort (angkatan) said was spying on them.
Facing the fear of Academic Writing class, Pool of Writers as known as PoWers tried to facilitate what FLL (Faculty of Language and Literature) students’ need to prepare the Academic Writing class and give some tips to get through this difficult lesson.
Pricilia, the chairperson of PoWers Workshop 2014, said that after this workshop, she hopes that the participants will be helpful enough with this workshop. It can make the students free from the fear of this lesson. No more fear and get ready for the class. With the themes “Nuts and Bold of Academic Writing”, PoWers try to say that class is not something that we have to be afraid of. This has to be encouraging and help us to write academically just like the name of the lesson, Academic Writing.
So guys, what are you waiting for? Come and join in our workshop!!! It will make you better and get away from the fear of Academic Writing class!! J

      Hello guys! Do you like watching news on television or just love listening to a story telling? If so, this is great update for you, because ECC (English Competition Club) will hold an event which will entertain you. It’s called ECC Show Case. Let’s find out what is that here.
      As it name is a competition club, it will show the ability in some skills that is usually competed in English competition, such as speech, storytelling, spelling bee, scrabble, and news casting.
      ECC choose a theme that related with nature. The reason is that recently there were some natural disasters happening in Indonesia.  “Sometime it is caused by the human being who do not care with this nature, so by this show case we want to make the audiences aware with their environment by our performance that will talk about nature”, said Sandra as the coordinator. For this show case, the performance will be united in a story line which is related with the theme.  
       “I am still confused what to do, because I am a new member of ECC, I don’t know what I should do in this show case. I still cannot picture out this event, but in the other hand I am very happy, because this is my first chance to show my ability in spelling bee.” said Devi (13ners), as a new member of ECC.
      This event held to promote this extracurricular and as a place to practice for ECC members who will join ALSA competition.  “I encourage you to come and see ECC Show Case on March 24th in front of F building. There are some door prizes for lucky audiences.”  Sandra added.
      So guys, mark your calendar on that day. Do not miss it and enjoy their performance!

EDRT Presented The First Trial of The Year
“A Beary Unusual Pet”
Hello everyone! Did you see Kemisan (a weekly performance in front of F building) on last Thursday, Februari 13th 2014?  If you saw it from the early opening, you must have seen a Readers Theater’s performance presented by some of FLL students. Yup! That was the first trial from one of KBM (Kegiatan Bakat Minat) in our faculty, EDRT (English Department Reader’s Theater). Different from the previous peformances, this time EDRT chose to perform in Kemisan. According to Hannasista ’12 as the chairperson of EDRT, they decided to perform there in order to attract more audiences and introduce this KBM to many people especially students from the other faculties.
Carrying a title “A Beary Unusual Pet” the drama tells about three children who wanted a bear as their pet. At first, their parents were really shocked about that. Then, they had a good trick to make their children change their mind. Finally, the children decided to have a puppy and they called it BEAR. “I think it was a good and entertaining performance because the casts could act well and the story was funny and interesting”, said Ivana ’12 as one of the audiences.
Before the show, the casts did some preparations such as training three times a week. During the training, they improved their vocal, intonation and also expression in order to make the performance better. Brenda ’12 as one of the casts of the Readers Theater’s performance said, “Actually I was really nervous before the performance, but after the performance was end, I feel so relief and quite satisfied with our performance and I think our performance was good.” Not only Brenda who shared her feeling about the performance, Hanna as the chairperson of EDRT also shared her feeling about it. “I feel so relief after watching the performance of the casts, I really appreciate their hard work to prepare the performance during this three weeks, and I also wanna say thank you so much for all crews who have a good cooperation in preparing this first tria of this yearl.”
So, what do you think guys? Do you want to see the other performances from EDRT? Stay up to date for the next trial and hope that it will be much better and more fun!

Oviera ‘12

EDFM New Project: When Love Means Letting Go
Love is something that everybody needs and can’t live without. It always warms heart and often changes someone life. Unfortunately, all forms of differences in this world sometimes make love grows in the conditions that it is not supposed to be in. Loving someone who has a different religion could be one of them. That’s why, sometimes people just have to try to let someone go and learn to move on.
Since love in differences is such an endless discussion which is never flat to be talked about, EDFM (English Department Film Making) chooses it as a big theme for the movies they are making. That big theme then is divided into three small themes which are unrequited love, love in different religion, and incestuous love. Those three small themes will be the basis of their movies plot later on.”We bring the theme about love in differences because it’s universal, easy to make it into movies, and also easy to understand.” said Dara, 2012ers, as a leader of EDFM. She also said that the purpose of making these three movies is to show everyone that EDFM has no less quality than other KBM.
In the movie making process, the members who are consisting of 2012ers and 2013ers work together for almost one full day. They work in such a way for about two weeks. “Tired? Of course”, they said. But actually they feel happy too, because they can be closer to each other and also learn something new. Indeed, the cooperation in making these movies is expected to increase knowledge, especially for 2013ers who will continue EDFM in the following year.
So far, they have been shooting in several regions that have beautiful places such as Kopeng, Bawen, Ambarawa, and Bandungan. They choose those places in order to make every single scene in their movie felt alive with such cool backgrounds.
“The difficulties in making the movie are we can hardly find the talents who are match with the characters.” said Adi, the 2013ers, when PoWers asks about their constraints. But it does not mean that they have already given up.
The movie making will be continued until the end of this month and then they will have a movie premiere in a March. Keep on the spirit, guys! (Sita ‘12/Meytha ’13)

ECD 2014, The Year of The Gods and Goddesses

The even semester always become the time for most big events MFLL. One of the big events is ECD.  This year’s ECD have a theme “Bring Out Your English Talent, Show Us What You Got”. And for the debate competition, they use Gods and Goddesses name for the debating teams name during the debate. There are more 20 high schools all around Central Java who registered this year. There were also two new competitions; Spelling bee and Yell-yell competition. Those competitions were quite successful, proven by the number of the contestant who participated. Even though the Yell-yell competition had only two participants, it still succeeded because it boosted the atmosphere in the closing ceremony.  So here is the result of 201 4 ECD:
The Champion
Second Runner-Up
SMA Karangturi
SMAN 1 Salatiga
SMA Kristen Tri Tunggal
Story Telling
SMA Kristen Tri Tunggal
SMAN 1 Salatiga
SMA Kr. Satya Wacana
News Casting
SMA Kr. 1 Salatiga
SMA Kr. Satya Wacana
SMAN 1 Salatiga
Spelling Bee
SMAN 1 Kendal
SMA Kr. Satya Wacana
SMAKarang Turi
SMA Kr. Satya Wacana
SMA Tri Tunggal
SMAN 1 Boja
SMA Kr. Satya Wacana
SMA Tarakanita

SMA Taruna Nusantara
SMA Kalam Kudus

The Grand Champion      : SMA Kr. Satya Wacana
Well, congratulations for the winners and see you at 2015 ECD.