Mini Indonesia: Bringing Indonesia to SWCU
The annual event of Satya Wacana Christian University (SWCU) festival to welcome new students in SWCU was held on Thursday August 30th, 2014. The festival was themed ‘Indonesian Culture’ and all freshmen joined the event. The festival that started in Lapangan Pancasila, Salatiga aimed to parade 20 unique ethnic attractions from all corners of Indonesia to people of Salatiga. Some of the new students showed one of Indonesia's cultures by wearing traditional clothes from Indonesia and bring Indonesia’s replica traditional houses. A pair of FLL first-year students presented Indonesian traditional custom, Regina (112014103) and Doni (112014105). They represented the traditional custom from North Sumatra, Batak Karo. “This is our first time joining a culture festival and we feel enthusiastic because there are so many Salatiga people watching us”, they explained enthusiastically. Not only new students who showed off their performance, but quite many residents of Salatiga (from Ngagglik, DAD, and Pancuran), were taking part in this festival.  Besides the participation of the people from Salatiga’s in this festival, AMNI (Akademi Maritim Nasional Indonesia) also presented their stunning marching band attraction in Lapangan Pancasila. Furthermore, there were also performances by schools in Salatiga; SD LAB, SD Marsudirini 77, SMP Stella Matutina, and SMK N 2 Salatiga with their drum band.
The festival itself started at 3 pm and drew a large number of excited audience because the festival from SWCU is one of the most-anticipated local attractions. One of the audiences from Salatiga was Alda who studies in Diponegoro University, Semarang. Knowing the event from Twitter, she took time to come back in Salatiga and watched the festival. "The show is different from the previous ones but it was also exciting because there is a new look that there was no in the last year for example the performance from AMNI that was awesome!" Besides the local audience, there were some coming from abroad; Mrs Eliza with her husband and son who came from Canada and enjoyed every second of the beautiful cultural parade. “This is my first time watching the festival in Salatiga because I’m just in here for two months, I think this festival is interesting because there are so many cultures in Indonesia displayed in this festival" Said Mrs. Eliza.
The event went on well, thanks to the people in the hardworking committee. Headed by Dora, an FLL student from Angkatan 2011, the committee consisted of only 8 members. There are so many people wondering why this festival was different from the previous festivals. In this section, the chairperson answered that question. “In this festival, the Drumblek and Kostum were omitted with some policy from university. The drumblek was omitted since there were so many lecturers who complained that their class was being disturbed by the drumblek rehearsal.  And for the Kostum, that was omitted because to avoid the illegal payment which could burden the new students. We know that to make one costume, much money is needed, so we decided to omit it. Another reason behind the omission was the time needed to finish making one costume, usually took days. Besides, after the festival the costumes would not be used so it’s better to omit the Kostum from this festival.” Dora responded to some questions addressed to the differences this year’s festival brought. In the end of interview we asked Dora, if she would consider managing the next festival. Her answer was a firm ‘no’, albeit in a jokingly manner.
Luky ’12 & Avinda ‘12
A Peek at 2015 FLL Annual Drama Audition

It has been more than 20 years has the Faculty of Language and Literature (FLL)had a big event each year which is called “FLL Annual Drama Performance”. This time FLL will present a drama performance adapted from a movie with the same title “The Lion King”. This event will be held on 27 & 28 March 2015 in Balairung Utama (BU) Satya Wacana Christian University. The Lion King is chosen because the genre is suitable for all people, so it will be easier to attract the attention of the audience to join the FLL. Hezky ’11 as the director considers that there will be many challenges in preparing the drama performance, but he believes that the team will be able to overcome every challenge. “If we can’t find the way, we will make a way”, he said.
As in the previous years, an audition was held to recruit the cast and crew for the drama performance. The audition lasted for three days, starting from Thursday, 11 September 2014 to Saturday, 13 September 2014, in search for 45 cast and 90 crew members. According to Hezky’11 and Dora’11, the director and the producer, to be a cast/crew member one must meet the same general criteria: committed and willing to learn. Specifically, a cast member should be able to act, sing and dance, while a crew member should have qualified skills in the respective divisions.
The audition participants seemed to be so enthusiastic that the 200 provided forms were all filled out and returned to the auditioners. However, not all positions have been filled up after the audition. Consequently, a second-round audition will be held immediately.
For the audition participants, you’ve got a message from Hezky ’11, the director of FLL Annual Drama Performance 2015. “Everything has its time. For those who are accepted to be cast or crew members, this is your time. But for those who aren’t accepted yet, it doesn’t mean you are bad. Maybe it’s just not your time and maybe you will have your time next year.” He also hopes that everyone will give the same effort to prepare and present this drama perfomance because when they succeed to present such a great performance, there will be a valuable experience that they can get as the cast and also crew members of this drama performance.
Finally, may the expected number of cast and crew be met after the second-round audition. Fighting! Oviera M.G ’12, Irene A.T ‘14


It was 30 August 2014 when Vicky’11, Ayu’11, Dea’13, and Fanny’11 fought together as the EDance in a dance competition held by ICA (Indonesian Cheerleading Association) at GOR Jati Diri, Semarang. As the only participant from Salatiga, EDance succeeded to win the champion of the competition. What an achievement!
How about the costume and the choreography? EDance wore the Hip-hop style in black as they danced the Girls Hip Hop LA Style. They have actually used the choreography before in a competition in Kridanggo Stadium, Salatiga. However, they added some new movements and changed the formation to make it different, considering that only four dancersinstead of five or sixperformed the dance. They did the preparations just like usual, but of course they practiced harder to rehearse the new movements and formation.
EDance wants to collaborate with other dance groups too. Fanny said that EDance wants to collaborate with DC FTI and Dance of SWCU. “We want to learn each other’s dance techniques and we want to improve our dance ability”, she said.And in the end of the interview, Fanny expressed her wish for EDance in the future, “I hope that ED Dance will be more solid, consistent in keeping their commitment in EDance. And each of us will always have a motivation to learn more and more about dance so that we can be better and be more successful together”.
Viva EDance!
