
October 2nd Edition

ENGLISH DEPARTMENT WELCOMING PARTY 2013 : Entertaining Events with Valuable Lessons

“Hai 13ers.. welcome to English Department of Satya Wacana Christian University”
Last Saturday and Sunday on 12-13 of October 2013, EDWP ( English Department Welcoming Party) was held. EDWP, popularly called “Makrab,’’ is one of English Department events which welcome the freshman of ED. For every freshman, Makrab sounds like a-horrible thing where seniors will underestimate juniors with physical or mental abuse. But for ED, EDWP or Makrab is an awesome and unfergettable moment for freshman.
Before EDWP, the commitees prepared for 3 months to make sure that all of EDWP events would educate and also amuse the freshman students. According to Sese(’12), one of the commitee members said; ”EDWP 2013 has a purpose to unite Angkatan 2013 to become a solid Angkatan and also make them more mature as new students in college”. Then, she added that for an event concept of EDWP 2013, ” we have a goal to make freshman become an honest people, so we arranged our event more to find out their failure, but we’ll make them confess to learn from their failures by themselves.”
 According to Theo(’13), one of the participants of EDWP 2013, hope before EDWP held, “I hope EDWP this year would be an awesome moment because we’ve prepared anything that the commitees asked to us such as our group needed and individual needed and also we hope EDWP will give us valuable lessons.”
Then, for the day of EDWP all of participants seemed happy because there were many mini games, talent night show, chairman of Angkatan 2013 election, king and queen election and also other educational events.
For the chairman of Angkatan 2013 an election was held on the first night along talent night show where the candidates performed in the talent night. Aurelia Melinda Herka Puspita or usually called Ellin won the Angkatan 2013 chairperson positition. “It’s unpredictable for me being the chairman of Angkatan 2013, for the first time I’m afraid being the leader but after saw enthusiasm from my friends, I’m sure that I could lead them because they’ve chosen me,” Ellin said. As a new chairperson of Angkatan 2013 she has a goal to make Angkatan 2013 more solid as a 13er’s family because a solid Angkatan will help them to achieve their best as ED students. For the King and Queen election held on the second day, Alvian Adhi Nugroho won as the King and Laura Salvadora won was the Queen.
EDWP 2013 is such an awesome moments that gave valuable lessons, entertaining and also educated events for 13er’s. We hope after EDWP, 13er’s will become a solid Angkatan for the next. And also congratulations for the chairperson of Angkatan 2013 and King and Queen of English Department 2013! You guys rock!

“ED Dance”

Do you ever see a group of ED’s student who practice and sometimes perform dance in ED’s event. Yup, they are ED Dance is a one of FLL’s KBM (Kelompok Bakat dan Minat) which is focus on dance activity and place for FFL’s students who interested in dance and want to improve their skills in dance.
 Last Saturday, on September 28th 2013 in F515, ED Dance opened recruitment for new participants. This audition was to find new younger student to join ED Dance, so ED Dance would have more members. The event started with a coaching clinic at 11 p.m. and then continued with an audition, which was separated into two sessions. The first session was a dance performance, in this session the new participant had to practice choreography which was already shown by the coach in the coaching clinic before, ”In this session the main criteria is a flexibility when dancing,” said Sasa ’12 member of the ED Dance committee.
The next session was an interview, in this session the new participants had tell their reason for joining ED Dance and answer questions from the ED Dance committee. The committee listened for the passion and commitment that was shown by the potential recruits’ answer. From those sessions the committee will decide by the skill and the interview each contestant. There is no limit for new participants who want to join ED Dance. The announcement who qualified to join ED Dance will be announced a week after second round auditions.
In the middle of the audition I asked some potential recruits to give their opinion about ED Dance and their reason for trying to join the group. Dipo ’13 said that his reason for majoring in FLL was because he would like to join in ED Dance and he thought that ED Dance is the right place for him to improve his skill. Ika ’13, she said that her reason to join in ED Dance was because she loves dancing and wants to learn more and more about dance.
Overall, the ED dance committee was pleased with the applicants. ED Dance committee member Jojo '12, said that the enthusiasm of the new comers was very good. It was shown by their willingness to come to campus even on a Saturday. Regarding their skills, Jojo ‘12 said that each of the participants had a good basic ability in dancing but they each had a different ability and characteristic in their dancing, some good in hip-hop style and some good in sexy dance.
So, please welcome for who will become a new member in ED Dance, enjoy your time in ED Dance because dance is your passion!

Debate Exhibition Talked about Vickysisasi and Social Media
English Debate Society (EDS) as one of extracurricular in Faculty of Language and Literature in Satya Wacana Christian University hold Debate Exhibition on Thursday and Friday on the 3rd and 4th October 2013. The debate exhibition was in F515 at 01.00 p.m. The debate Exhibition brought two different themes in two days. The debate exhibition was two groups such as affirmative and negative group. Each debater had one turn to give their arguments for about 6 minutes.
On the first day, the theme was ‘Vickysisasi should be punished’. Vickysisasi is Vicky Prasetyo phenomena who he made himself vocabulary which there was grammatical errors in his vocablulary. Vicky Prasetyo is Zaskia Gotik’s exfiance. Zaskia Gotik is a famous dangdut singer in Indonesia. The affirmative was Tora ED 11’ers as Zaskia Gotik, Dean ED 09’ers as Bunda Romy, Bayu ‘old angkatan’ as Deddy Cobuzier. The affirmative group agreed if Vickysisasi should be punished because Vicky had broken national language which still stands and foreign language which still exists, Vicky had given bad impact in society, and Vicky brought notorious of Indonesian. The negative group was Aldi ‘FSM’s student’ as Vicky Prasetyo, Unne ED 12’ers as Vicky’s sister, Frenky ED 12’ers as Farhat Abbas. The negative group disagreed if Vickysisasi should not to be punished because it was a freedom to everyone to make their argument and Vicky was too, Vicky didn’t hurt anyone, and media also should be punished because it had exaggerated about Vickysisasi.  The debaters used English in their debate. They spoke convincing, independent and loud.
Many audiences who watched debate exhibition on the first day. There was ED’ers, student from other faculties such as FIK, FKIP, FSM. There were Senior High School students from SMAN 1 and 3 Salatiga. The debate exhibition invited Mrs. Athryana as Faculty of Language and Literature lecture. She was invited because the debate exhibition wanted her to share knowledge to audience in there. She gave her argument that Vickysisasi should be punished. She also gave many comments about debater arguments. All audience also got a free snack and drink.
On the second day, the theme was ‘when social media goes bad’. In global era, social media is not strange for us, because million people in the world use social media to help their communication by their hard disk. Social media also has many advantages and disadvantages in our life. The affirmative group was Aldi ‘FSM student’, Unne ED 12’ers, Frenky Ed 12’ers. The affirmative group agreed if social media goes bad because social media decrease our interaction to make a real communication each other, social media cannot help people to be accepted in environment, and social media make individualism. The negative group was Tora Ed 11’ers, Linda ED 10’ers, and Bayu ‘old angkatan’. The negative group disagreed if social media goes bad because social media bring happiness, social media make everyone communicate easily each other, social media could be a business yard.
After the debate exhibition finished, I interviewed Tora as the leader in EDS. She said that she got problem to hold the debate exhibition. The problems were the place of exhibition which closed and narrow because it was in F5 as FLL, so she thought that other colleges from other faculty thought that the exhibition only invited to ED’ers. Actually, the debate exhibition invited to all colleges in Satya Wacana Christian University. And then, the time was not exact because many colleges still had a class when the debate exhibition was held. So, the problems which happened in this year would become the lesson to be better debate exhibition next year. The debate exhibition was held promote and recruit from all colleges in SWCU. The recruitment will be open until Wednesday on 23rd October 2013. So guys, whoever you are who interest in debate or will join with EDS or will increase speaking skill, let you register in EDS or contact Tora in 089607166239.

SHED Visits Orphanage
Hi guys! Have you arranged your schedule for next month? I suggest you to have a spare time in the weekend exactly on November 9th, because SHED (Shema at English Department) is going to visit an orphanage in Salatiga ( Darma Bakti ).  What event is that? What kind of activities will be held? Let’s read informations below.
          This is the newest program in SHED. The committee decided to hold this event in the begining this semester. Last year, they held “Live In” which needed more than a day, but this year they will hold something new. Considered a lot of activities and events this semester,  the committee decided to hold an event that only need one day, but meaningful.
          “Hopefuly by holding this event,  we can share the grace and happiness with the children there. In the middle of a lot activities in ED, that sometimes make us busy, but we give a day to gather for sharing our love and care to them. So we have prepared this event as well as possible.” said Vania as SHED’s coordinator. To support this event, the committee has done fundraising and left out an open donation box. So, for those who want to participate, they can collect some things like, books, magazines, clothes, foods and other donations for the orphanage.
          Sandra, as the Event Organizer told about the event’s concept briefly,“ we will have service, games and sharing, in order we can get closer with children there.” This event hold under the theme “Berani Tampil Beda”. By that theme, hopefully all the participant can apply what that said in Romans 12: 2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” That’s a good theme,isn’t it?  Mrs. Esther Helena Tulung will be the speaker. For your information guys, you can also invite your friend from other faculty to join this event!
          SHED’s coordinator encourages students to “ join Shema at English Department visit to Orphanage on November 9th 3013 at Darma Bakti Panti Asuhan. You will get point, snacks, and free transportation. Last but not least, you will get and feel the presence of God. And for contribution only 15k . Come and join us!”
          So if you who want to join this event, please gather in front of Central Administration Building (G.A.P) at 3 pm on November 9th. For further information you can see the poster on announcement board in front of F building and in front of F 515, or you can contact Vania at this number (089618006350). And for those who want to give donations, you can place your donations in a box under the announcement board in front of F515.
Register soon guys! ^^ (Grace’12)

EDVenture At Mount Merapi
On 13-14 of September, Five EDventure members went climbing to Mount Merapi with a nature lovers’ team named SPASI. SPASI is a group of friends who has already experienced in mountain climbing. This activity was conducted in order to plant trees and clean the area. They started climbing at 11 P.M by bringing crude equipment such as some logistics, wraps, torch, and water. Upon arrival at post 1, they did their essential mission which was to plant five fir trees. That activity was conducted around 1 A.M. After that, they had to face many challenges because the trail on Mount Merapi was very difficult. If they made a mistake, they could be exposed to great dangers.
          One of the danger was the particles of sand and dust which spread around were quite large. It could get into the mouth despite wearing a mask. They said that during the climbing, they often coughed because those particles got up into the throat. Plus, the cliff on the right and left sides of the trail made their adrenaline rise. The cold weather also made two members of EDventure suffer from hypothermia, and one threw up. Fortunately, they still could handle it by drinking the medicine that they had brought from home.
          The time showed at 4 A.M when the nature lovers’ team and EDventure members arrived at a placard marking the spot where a climber had died. They prayed there before going on to the next post. The journey was getting far, and the top was getting closer. It was around 5 A.M when finally they reached Pasar Bubrah post. The distance between Pasar Bubrah and the top of Merapi is just 1 km. They sat and waited for sunrise there. “The sun is so amazing and beautiful! It looks like gold,” said Ulfa, the leaders of EDventure. However, because the track was getting harder, they decided not to climb up to the top. It was too dangerous.
          The bad luck didn’t stop just like that. Before climbing, Ulfa admitted that she and another EDventure member didn’t think the track would be so difficult. That’s why they didn’t bring any carrier, tent, and sleeping bag. Not having those things made them overwhelmed. Fortunately, they went with another team so that they could borrow the climbing equipment.
          The next morning, they walked down the mountain and picked up the rubbish. This goes to show that EDventure mission is not just to have fun enjoying nature but also to care about nature’s preservation. For the next destination in December, EDventure will go to Mount Mahameru.

ED Voice
Do you have any talent? Of course you have! But, do you have a talent in singing? If you do, why don’t you join ED Voice. Because this KBM gathers a lot of ED students who have beautiful voices to make a great and official choir in FLL.
On 17th -18th  October 2013, ED Voice opened recruitment for new members. This recruitment focused on regeneration because one of 2013 ED Voices’ member would definitely be the chairman of ED Voice next year. The first day of the audition was interview and prima vista (reading musical notes). The interview held near the elevator in the 5th floor of F building. And then directly continued with prima vista which held in F515. The second day was vocal performance where they should sing two different songs, slow and upbeat songs in terms to show their true quality of singing. This audition took place on
ED Voices’ chairman, Dea’12, said that the main problem of the participants was getting to nervous. But I think it was common mistake which showed responsibility and willingness to become the part of ED Voice. “They are great but we need more male member. So we open second round audition on 25th October,”  she said. According to her there was only one male of twenty eight participants on the first round audition. Because of the second round audition, the announcement was postponed until one week after the second round audition.
One of the participants, Rosa’13, said that she wanted to join ED Voice because she had a passion in singing. She also said that she was a member of her high school choir, so she wanted to repeat her experience by joining ED Voice. She was optimistic to beome a part of ED Voice which was showed by her confidence when she was being interviewed.
The comitee was hoping to find some new great members. So they could make ED Voice become better and better. And of course to look for the best candidates to beome the future chairman of ED Voice.
So ED’ers, you must be eager to watch ED Voice with its’ new members to perform, don’t you? We are gladly looking for it, ED Voice.

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