
February Edition

Indonesian Varsities English Debate, Preparation of the Prestige Event
Hi! Do you know that on January, our university has a special event? Yap! That is IVED. It was held on January 10th until 14th in Satya Wacana Christian University (SWCU). What do you know about that event? English debate? Speech? Competition? Yes! Those are right. IVED is an abbreviation for Indonesian Varsities English Debate. IVED is a national English debate competition.  Therefore, several universities and academies in Indonesia will send their capable and trained students to join in the competition.  Mostly the topics are about the recent issues happening in Indonesia. About the history, IVED was held since 1998 and the founder is UI (Universitas Indonesia). Now IVED has become a good and prestigious annual debate competition.
Last Friday, the convener or the chairperson of IVED, Gregorius Sebastian Leonardi from 2010, shared about the preparation of IVED. He said that becoming the convener of this event is very challenging and also joyful for him to have this opportunity. He can also build more relations with other people when he became the convener. The convener is responsible for almost all the things in the event, including committee recruitment, preparation, spreading the information about IVED to all of the participants and also negotiating with universities about the preparation and their support for IVED. “I must interview the committee members one by one. It was too hard for me to prepare the committee; at least I have 80 people who were separated into 16 divisions. It was not easy for me to control them. Also, I must negotiate with the universities and spread the information about IVED”. But luckily, Greg has a good team which helps him to solve and make the event successful. “My vice, tournament director, steering committee and all the divisions work very well”. He added that the committee is not all from ED but some are coming from Social and Communications Faculty, Economics and Business Faculty, Information and Technology Faculty etc.
One of the participants, Kurnia from STAN, said that this event is good and has a prestige. She also shared about her preparation for this event. “We started 3 months ago; some of our debater trainees became the champions in this event. So they may expect more from us to become a winner in this event”. She and her team usually meet after class until midnight to prepare everything they need for IVED. She added, even STAN did not have an English faculty, but they have a huge English Club because so many students join in this English club so, the English Club made a competition to select the team for IVED. Thus, only the best can join the STAN's team.
You can see, all the committees and also the participants have struggling hard to give their best for this IVED. Now you can see how prestigious this event is, right? So we wish that IVED would succeed and make SWCU proud. We wish a victory to our debate team.   Mario ‘12

Carrying the Spirit of Childhood,
LoVED and Talent Night
are Well Prepared
Within just hours LoVED 2014 is about to begin. Here is some information gained from Chang Sese, the Chairperson of LoVED and Talent Night 2014 a day before LoVED starts.
Chang Sese said that the theme for this year's LoVED is Spirit of Childhood: Past Present Future. She further explained that the theme is meant to let everyone recall again the spirit of childhood, our innocence and our dreams, to the present and keep them with us to reach the future. “Childhood is one of the most memorable moments in our live,” she said.
Under that theme, there are games that each angkatan should participate in. The games are mostly the same as the previous year's loved, like Icon, Costume, Integrated Challenges, Story Telling, Spelling Bee, What's on Your Mind?, DJ Hunt, Dance, Drama, and ED Race. However there are different formats in Integrated Challenges, What's on Your Mind, and ED Race. This year's IC, the representatives of each angkatan is facing limbo to add the fun of the game. While in What's on Your Mind?, the format is different with the use of Host and Audience role-playing. In ED race, the challenges are different with the Eat Bulaga (recently popularized TV show where someone should guess a word by asking Yes/No Questions).
This year's Talent Night, which is scheduled on the second day of LoVED, has its own specialty. It will have royal kingdom format where each angkatan will be representing Northland Kingdom for 2010, Eastland Kingdom for 2011, Southland Kingdom for 2012, and Westland Kingdom for 2013, in the Royal Festival (the special term for Talent Night). The Talent Night itself will also be dazzled with the Prince and Princess dress code when the awards will be given to the champions of the Royal Competitions (LoVED).
ED Dance, ED Voice, and the always-waited Lecturers' Performance will also entertain everyone in Talent Night 2014. As always, Lecturers' Performance theme will be kept secret before their spectacular show.
Chang Sese proudly stated that the committee had been working very well in preparing this year's LoVED and Talent Night. With the forty three people in the committee and the external partners, Chang Sese seemed to be content and confident that LoVED and Talent Night 2014 will be going wonderfully.
Indra ‘10

Amazing Profile,
Amazing Inspiration
Hello powers a holic! In this part we have an inspirational profile that we inform to you so that maybe you can be inspired by this person.
She is a student of ED 2011.Her name is Ruth Silke J Fangidae, some people call her Uthe. She said that she likes to learn about languages because language is her passion, so she decided to study in FBS. She really loves her parents. She told that her parents are the people that have been a big part of her life.“I am the daughter of Edwin R Fangidae and Rachel A. Fangidae Hoema, they are my amazing parents. They always support me, they give me a reliance to know about  social and politics “. She likes to join the organization since she was in junior high school. She told that she joined a lot of  organizations such as; Osis ( Organisasi Siswa  Intra Sekolah) , Generasi Muda peduli HIV/AIDS, Drum band  and also youth community organizations in the church and Forum Anak Kota Kupang. “ I focus on the social organization, especially on the organization that is associated with children's issues . I have joined for eight years in that organization” she added.  She likes to have the social relation to other people, so that she joined the social organization like that.
These are some achievement which she has reached:
1.             Duta pariwisata NTT tingkat SMA/SLTA 2009
2.            Duta Anak 2009
3.            Duta im3 2010
4.            Konselor Sebaya UNICEF 2008
5.            Mayoret Favorit tingakat Prov. NTT 2009
6.            Fasilitator Anak Nasional 2012
7.            Runner Up Duta Pangan Lokal NTT 2013
She also is be trusted as the leader of some organizations like;FORAP (Forum Anak Provinsi NTT 2008) and FAKK (ForuM Anak Kota Kpg 2009-2012). Her highest achievement  when she got  from the Pemberdayaan Perempuan Perlindungan Ank RI as the first Facilitator of Anak Nasional in last year,2012.
She has a quote that she wants to let Powers a holic know ” My principle is life is how much kindness and positive changes that you transmitted to all of people around you”.
This profile is inpirational enough to make you know about the succsessful achievement , So we hope this information will make you have more passion to through your life

Two Majors? Why Not?
In this Inspirational Section, PoWers would like to present a gentlement from world in the era of 2010. A month ago, he was popular as a chair person of IVED (Indonesian Varsities English Debate), one of the greatest events that our beloved faculty joined in. Moreover, four years ago, he got a chief position. Until now, that status, commonly known as Ketua Angkatan, is still occupied by that English Department (ED) student from year 2010.
On account of his credibility, maybe we have already known who the guy is. Yups... He is Gregorius Sebastian Lionardi, usually called as “Greg”. Last Thursday, an inspiring story was flowing from his ordinary look. So check this out!
Greg is an ED's student of the year 2010. Now, he is doing his thesis. Almost 4 years studying in ED, he gets many good experiences that can develop him to be better person. He is not only studying many lectures in Faculty of language and Learning (FLL), but he also is joining in many events and extracurricular activities. He believes that he can get more experiences and also that he can practice his ability of working in groups from those. Until right know, he is enrolling in five to six events all at a time, which do not become a barrier in his study to achieve good marks.
Surprisingly for us who do not know much about Greg, he is not only studying at English of Economic and Business (FEB). But for this year, he is in recess of it because he wants to focus on his English thesis first.
Greg said, “I like English and Economics, so it is the reason why I take those majors. I think, if I study Economics I can know more about business life that can continue and expand my family's business. And for studying English itself, I hope my business could expand until abroad and I think English is the best key to build a good connection with foreign colleagues.”
Sometimes, just taking one major and joining some events will make us feel that those have made us stressed and down, until we want to give up. So, how about Greg ? He also said that sometimes he feels stressed and down like us, but he keeps optimistic with all of the things that he chose. “Being stressed must be prevented in my life”, Greg said. Then, he gave some tips to avoid stress in our college life. The first is not to think our duties till we are in under pressure. Thus, if we have many assignments, do them calmly. Second, spare your time to relax even if it just one or two hours in a day. You can try, either playing games or hanging out. And the third, if we have many problems, we could share them with our family, girlfriend/boyfriend or close friends.
In conclusion, Greg said that there are 3 keys in his life if it sometimes feel hard: be Patient, Optimistic, and Humble. So guys, what about your keys in life?    Avinda ‘12

IVED 2014 was
Held in SWCU
This year, Indonesian Varieties English Debate (IVED) was held in our beloved campus, Satya Wacana Christian University (SWCU). IVED is a national debate competition which is followed by almost
 all of the universities and academies in Indonesia. The opening ceremony was led by the head of SWCU, Prof. Pdt. John A Titaley, Th. D. The chair person of the event is Gregorius Sebastian Leonardi. Beginning on Friday (10/1) in Balairung Universitas of SWCU, the real competition was starting on Saturday (11/1) until Tuesday (14/1). There were many universities which joined in IVED, such as University of Indonesia (UI), Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Bandung Technology Institute (ITB), Padjajaran University (UNPAD), Sanata Dharma Universities (SADHAR), and many more.

The theme of IVED 2014 was “Respecting Diversity, Creating Unity”. The form of competition was Australasian Parliamentary. The Adjudicator-Core a.ka. A-Core of the competition was Rizky Akita from Diponegoro University, Alris Alfharisi from Bandung Technology University, Thoriq Murtadho from Gadjah Mada University, and Elghafiky Bimardika from University of Indonesia. There were 52 teams from 30 universities that joined in IVED 2014. SWCU itself sent two teams to join in the competition. Team A consisted of Dewi Ratoja, Yuandhika Wijaya, Frenky Batunan, and Astrid L.N Ledewara. Whereas, team B consisted of Aldy Pratama, Aurelia Melinda, Herta Puspita, Rian Isdianto Salean and Wiga Vivaningtyas. Unfortunately, team B only could struggle until the semi-final in the Novice Category.
            The grand finale of IVED was held on Tuesday (14/1). The result was Gadjah Mada University became the first winner of IVED 2014 in the main category, after battling with University of Indonesia. The third winner was ITB and Binus international. In the novice category, the first winner was Perguruan Tinggi Technokrat, and Jendral Soedirman University (UNSOED) became the second winner. There were 10 best speakers in the main category and 5 best speakers in novice category.
            So, IVED in this year gave a great experience for SWCU. Although the two teams from SWCU didn't win in the competition, but they would try to be winners in the next IVED which will be held in University of Indonesia next years. Ika ‘12

LoVED Memorabilia

The Best Angkatan of LoVED 2014 (2010)
After long, long fight among angkatan (2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013) to get the “best angkatan” title in LoVED (Loading Via English Department), an English Department annual event, finally on Friday January 24th, Tenners (ED student with year 2010) went home with glory and victory in their hands. They had won seven competitions out of ten which are Mini Costume Carnival, Icon, IC (Integrated Challenge), Spelling Bee, DJ Hunt, Dance Performance, ED Race. Not only by winning those competitions, Tenners was deserved to win because of their solidarity. When being interviewed, Gregorius Sebastian, Tenners' ketua angkatan, said “Our angkatan solidarity is unique because we gain it through gaps and conflicts. For those things have united us after we went through the process and solved the problems together by communicate it openly and try to understand each other.”
This event will not be great if there was no committee who made this event successfully came one way. Successful because all participants were excited to follow this event and the goal to unite all angkatan and bring an unforgettable memory to all ED students had been reached. “I hope that the next LoVED will be more spectacular than this year, what has been good maintained and improved what was lacking,” said Chang Sese, the chairperson of LoVED 2014.
As conclusion, LoVED will always be a memorable experience ever. It was not only for the winner but also for all of the people related into that event, including the participants, the committee and the lecturers too. Every year LoVED definitely happens, brings up the joys and cheers. ED students must have been longed to wait for the unexpected scene before, during and after the LoVED because every moment is worth to be captured and cherish altogether.   Hana’12

2013 Kaleidoscope
Hello PoWers readers! We're back with the review of amazing activities in English Department (ED). We will present the amazing stories in 2013. So, let's check these out.
On Friday, September 6th, EDFM (English Department Film Making) presented a horror movie (The F) that was played and created by ED students. Starring Belinda'12 as Annie (the ghost of F Building), the movie was played in F515 at 4pm.
The next activity came from ED Venture that had an adventure in Rong Mountain in Tuntang on Saturday, September 28th. That activity was the meeting from MAPALA (Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam) that shared the knowledge about reforestation and to build the togetherness amongst the members.
After the activities on September, we will look at the activities in October. The first activity that came in October was EDWP (English Department Welcoming Party), which was held on October 12th &13th. That activity was created to welcome the new students from 2013. EDWP was held in Graha Wisma, Isep-Isep (LP3K) the same place as the previous EDWP.
The next event is still in October, this activity was a unit of SWEDS, ECC and POWERS. That unity was called SDDED. The first activity of SDDED was Debate Exhibition, held on Friday, the 3rd and Saturday, the 4th. There were 2 topics of that Debate Exhibition; the first day about Vickysisasi Should be Punished and the second day was When Social Media Goes Bad. On Friday, 18th, a Public Speaking Seminar was held. The speaker came from ED's lecturer, Brandon Donelson-Sims. He explained about how to be a good speaker everywhere you are, whether it's in class or in public. Then last but not least was the Literary Exhibition with Unexplored Indonesia as the theme. It required the participants to write an article (Short Story or Poem) that included the unexplored stories in Indonesia. That event was held on October 25th in F515 at 11am. The following activities were held on November. The first was SHED (Shema at English Department) Orphanage Visit on November 9th. There were 35 participants (ED's students) visited in Panti Asuhan Darma Bhakti, Salatiga.
The next event still comes from November which was EDO (English Department Olympic) that was held on November 19th – 22nd. The Best Angkatan was still kept by the previous champion: 2010.
The last event in November was the International Seminar which held on November, 20th and 21st. The theme of the 7th seminar was Language Policy and Planning: What are Issues? The speakers were coming from three different universities; Prof. Hywel Coleman (University of Leads, United Kingdom), Prof. Richard Baldauf (University of Queensland, Australia), and Prof. Fuad Abdul Hamied (Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia).
The last activity comes in December. It was EDLT (English Department Leadership Training), with the theme Be The One Be The First Be The Leader. It was held from December 7th – 10th, in the three different places; Kampus Kartini, F Building and Rumah Kaca Gua Maria, Kerrep Ambarawa. The required participants are 70 students from 2013, 60 from 2012, 10 from 2011, and 20 from 2010 and Old Angkatan.
So guys those were the amazing events that happened in 2013, still not enough? So let's make another more amazing events in 2014!  Luky ‘12

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