
December Edition

EDO 2014 : Let’s Do It!
Last week ( November 10, & 13-15) was a busy week for all FLL students, why? Because all of FLL students were participating on the annual olympic event in FLL called EDO (English Department’s Olympics). EDO is a sports competition for FLL students. The theme of this year’s EDO is "lEt's DO it". Ones '13, the chair person of this event said that the theme was chosen so that the committee fighting spirit could be also be shared with the participants. "We know that we had only 2 months to prepare for this event (EDO). We want that our spirit in preparing this event is also spread to all the participants, so let's do it!." This year, EDO added a new type of competition that is badminton, while the others were the same as those in the previous EDO: basketball, futsal, volleyball, cheerleaders, and mini games. The event was so attractive and intense. So, there was so much extra times because the matches were very tight. The result for this year is 2011 (Eleveners) became the new best angkatan for this year. At the end of the competition, there is a DJ performance. Everybody who attended the closing ceremony enjoyed the moment with their fellow students.

Mario ‘12


            Access’s office was moved to F108 two weeks ago. Even though it wasn’t announced officially, Access crewmembers have moved and arranged many things in their new room. Access’s previous room was together with LK’s room, in F512. The main reason of Access to move to another room was because the members wanted to have their own room. It was a bit difficult to share a room with other people. Let alone when they had a meeting and needed their privacy, but LK members were also busy with their work in the same room. Access members sometimes had difficulties in finding another room for their meetings. Now they have their own room that they can use for their own work. According to Ima’11, the previous room was better than their new room, because their new room was formerly a warehouse. They had to clean the room first and arranged the room again. It’s not a warehouse anymore, but sometimes when there is an event, the room will be used for storing stuffs from that event. Besides, they feel happy because the room is wider than the previous and they have their own room, so that they have their privacy now. In the new room, Access will be doing Open Recruitment on December 1st, 2014. Three position will be offered: columnists (5), layout setters (2), and illustrator (1). To apply as columnists, applicants should submit their own writing with a theme of their choice. For the setting layout position, applicants should show how they set layout. As for the last position, illustrator, the applicants have to show how they make an illustration based on a theme that they choose. In addition, there will also be an interview for all applicants on December 1st, 2014. So, all FLL students, if you are interested to join Access, make sure you join the recruitment process. Access hopes that they can get new qualified crew members to strengthen the team so that they can work together for improvement.
Novia (Tia) ‘14

EDance : The Pride of FLL
One more achievement that makes us proud came from one of the KBM (Kegiatan Bakat Minat) in our faculty, EDance. On November 9, 2014 EDance was involved in a dance competition which was held in SMAN 2 Pati. Raising a theme “I Dance Because I Love”, this competition was held to celebrate the 4th anniversary of Eternity (a dance community from Pati). The dance competition was divided into two categories. There were two criteria in this competition. The first one was for high school students and the other one was for public. In this competition, EDance competed in the public category and won the runner up position.
            As the representatives, there were five gorgeous and energetic girls from our faculty who joined this competition. They are Temmy ’12, Adven ’11, Vicky ’11, Ayu ’11, and Fanny ’11. As their preparation to face this competition, they practiced the choreography for ten days with the concept that had been chosen earlier. For this competition, this team chose to work on a concept about nigga.
            After the competition, Temmy ’12 expressed her excitement, “I’m so glad and thankful for being the runner up in this competition. I hope that the next generation of EDance will be able to continuously become the pride of our faculty.
            Well, PoWers also hopes that EDance will get more and more achievements in any dance competition and always give pride not only for the faculty, but also for our university. Once again congratulations to you all guys.You’re awesome!
Oviera ‘12

English Competition Club’s Stories
ECC (English Competition Club) have proudly won a speech competition at UNDIP (Universitas Diponegoro) Semarang, and plan to join AEO (Asian English Olympics) at BINUS (Bina Nusantara) University, Jakarta.
On Friday, November 14th, 2014, ECC which was represented by Stevy Semuel Asa Binowo (Sem) 112012015 joined a speech competition at UNDIP, Semarang. He won the first place at the speech competition defeating 25 other participants. The theme of the event was about technology, and Sem, chose “the youth addiction to technologies” as the topic for his speech. The competition was held from 7 am to 7 pm. Due to his busy schedule as a student, Sem spent only two days preparing for the speech competition. At the end of the interview, he kindly shared his tips in delivering a speech. “Do not get too focused on the text content of your speech, but improvise a little. Sometimes when you are on stage you will forget what you want to talk about. So instead of memorizing the text, you should just memorize the important points only, and the rest is up to you, what you want to say. Do not forget to catch your breath” said Sem.
Next on February 10th – 14th, 2015, ECC is going to participate in AEO (Asian English Olympics). With the theme “Tribe of Warrior”, AEO, the biggest English Competition in Asia invites senior high school students and university students from all over Asia to participate. The competition will be hosted by BINUS English Club (BNEC) and will be held at BINUS University, Jakarta. The competition itself is divided into six categories including Debate, Scrabble, Story Telling, News Casting, Speech and Short Movie Making.
“We are opening a recruitment for ECC members only and we will send three representatives for each category offered in the competition, so we will send 15 people,” said Devi ’13 as the leader of ECC. The recruitment will be held on Tuesday, November 18th, 2014. Powers do hope that the representatives from ECC will bring the victory for FLL.
Luky ‘12

Hectic Week
Hi ED’ers !!
Welcome to the hectic week. As FLL students we have the time to be stressed out with all of the awaiting tests and assignments. Here are some of the opinions from a representative of each “angkatan”.
·         According to Anastasia (2014), even though her first semester has been really hard with so many assignments, tests, and also the activities as a committee member, she still doesn’t want to regard it as a burden. Instead, she tries to enjoy this semester, which approaches its end. Moreover, she wants to be well prepared for the next semester. If she feels frustrated, she will hang out with her friends and after that she will be ready to go back to her regular activities. She also gives us a message, “Don’t do something with a half heart.”
·         Aya (2013), who is now in her third semester, more or less has the same situation as Anas during these final weeks of the semester. She also wants to enjoy the third semester instead of letting herself be under pressure. The only different being that, when she feels depressed, she will go to bed instead of hanging out with her friends.
·         Likewise, Lia (2012), who is in the fifth semester, has never thought this semester is hard. She has never felt under pressure because of so many tests and assignments either. In fact, she is currently a member of SMF (Senat Mahasiswa Fakultas, the faculty student body) and several committees, such as: The Annual Drama (The Lion King) and ECC (English Competition Club). Nevertheless, she always has the strong tenet with her. “Don’t think too hard about everything. Do it slowly,” said Lia’12.
·         Lastly, to Natasya (2011), this seventh semester with its numerous assignments, as well as the proposal writing task and the teaching practicum is the most difficult semester. Thus, she decided not to join any committee. However, even though this semester is really hard with the assignment deadlines from the courses that she is taking, she also has the same thought as Anas’14, Aya’13, and Lia’12: she does not want to think this semester is really hard.
So, guys, in conclusion, do not think this semester is too hard, do it and you will pass this semester easily. So, keep your spirit guys!!

Many teenagers are afraid of donating blood. They assume that blood donation is something dreadful although they themselves have never tried it. When they were asked about it, they mostly said that knowing there is a needle pierced on your skin, taking a pint of blood is one of the scariest things ever. “I’m afraid of trying that. It must be very painful,” said Nadia ’12.
However, Grace ’12 has a different opinion about it. “Blood donation is not as scary as it seems. I have tried it.” She explained that it felt nothing when the needle was pierced on her skin. “And shortly after donating blood, I felt that my body became much better and healthier,” she added.
Actually, what Grace said is true. Blood donation indeed brings many benefits for our health. First, we are far from the risk of heart disease because we are removing high blood iron which has a significant impact on atherosclerosis, or the hardening of the arteries. The decreased iron level also keeps us away from the risk of cancer.
Second, blood donation has been found beneficial to those wishing to lose weight. A person who donates blood burns about 650 calories with every pint donated, as the body has to work to replenish itself.
Considering its advantages, our faculty together with PMI (Palang Merah Indonesia, the Red Cross) decided to hold an event of blood donation which will take place at Kartini campus on Thursday, November 27th 2014, from 09.00 a.m until 02.00 p.m.

Prepare yourself and make sure that you join this event because more than 4-5 million patients need blood transfusions each year and one pint of your blood can save up to three lives. (Sita 2012)

The 8th International Seminar

I know you // But I don’t know you //  But I know your name // How do you know my name when I don’t know your name? // Because you know I know you so well
            That was one of material that Tan Bee Tin (a speaker from University of Auckland, New Zealand) presented in the last seminar. In that session, we learnt how to make a dialogue using the word ‘know’. Funny isn’t it? Well that was only one of the other sessions.
This year, the international seminar was held on November 11th& 12th, 2014 at BalairungUtama(BU) and F Building. The theme was “Engaging with Literature Creativity”. Actually, the purpose of this seminar is to raise awareness towards literature in society because literature doesn’t have a good position in societyyet. The seminar is hoped to open the participants’ eyes that literature can actually improve personality, give wisdom, build tolerance, etc. The plenary speakers of the seminar were Prof. Alan Maley (Leeds Metropolitan University, UK), Prof. JayakaranMukundan (Universiti Putra Malaysia), and Prof. Kirk Branch from United States.
The sound of the gong hit by the rector of SatyaWacan Christian University officially marked the beginning of the seminar. After that,the participants were spoiled with adance performance from Papua and some songs sung by EDVoice. On the 1st day, Prof. Alan Maley presented his work on “Literature in a World of Distraction” in BalairungUtama. Later in Plenary Session 2 from Prof.Jayakaran Mukundan presented about “Should Literature be Entertainment or Just Hard work with no Play?"After the second plenary session, participants were moved to F Building to join Parallel Session 1-3 and Workshop 1.
The next day, Prof. Kirk Branch presented his material about “Treating Students Like Writers: The Teacher as Reader” for the Plenary Session 3 in BalairungUtama.  For the next agenda, participants were again moved to F Buliding because there were Parallel Session 4-5 and Workshop 2. Despite the absence of several presenters, the parallel session could run smoothly with the substitute presenters.As the Parallel and the Workshop Sessionswere over, the participants returned to participate in the panelsession(the question and answer session with the Plenary Speakers). At the end, the seminar was closed with a performance by the Sunday Morning band from the Faculty of Performing Arts.
Ms. Suzana Maria hoped that the organizing committee for the next year seminar will work earlier so that the seminar can be organized well. Furthermore, she also hoped that the number of participants will increase, too.
Lastly, see you in the next FLL International Seminar!
(Irene A.T ’14, Kartika D.A’14)

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