
October Edition

Hola, ED-ers!
Do you all know what day is October 31th? Yap! That is a day of Hallowen celebration. In America, Halloween is usually celebrated amongst family, friends, and sometimes co-workers. They may celebrateit by watching horror movies, holding costume parties, or creating haunted house. Meanwhile, children would dress up in fancy costumes and visit other houses in the neighborhood. At each house, they demand sweets, snacks or a small gift. If they do not get this, they threaten to do some harm to the inhabitants of the house. This is known as playing 'trick-or-treat'!
How could this all happen?
This begins from ancient people’s belief that ghosts come back to earth on the day of October 31th. They look for living bodies to be possessed and try to return to the home they used to live in.  So to appease these spirits, people offer them fruits and nuts. If the spirits are not pleased, it is feared that the spirits would kill the people or destroy their goods.
For the symbol itself, there are various symbols associated with Halloween. These include the spooks, ghosts, and walking skeletons that represent the contact between the spiritual and physical world and between the living and the dead. Human figures that are often represented on Halloween are witches and wizards, who are seen to have the power to contact the spirit world. Bats, black cats, and spiders are often connected with this holiday. These animals are associated with the night and darkness and often accompany witches and wizards.
So, what costume are you going to wear in on this year’s Halloween celebration?Sita (2012)

Great Day, Great Story, Great Hope
Saturday, October 18th 2014 might be the most unforgettable day for most final-year students in Satya Wacana Christian University, especially those from the Faculty of Language and Literature. After struggling for several years, finally they reached their academic milestone. Held in the majestic Balairung Universitas (BU) was the long-awaited graduation ceremony which was the icing of the cake for all graduates. As graduates, they have their own impressions about their achievement. Below are some comments from FLL graduates.
The first impression comes from Indra ’10 who is a student with the highest GPA, a staggering 3.88. “That is true that I’m happy, but still I can’t feel like “wow” because until now I can’t go anywhere with this high GPA”, he said. As he told me in the interview, he hoped that his GPA can help him to get any job or get any scholarship. Another impression is shown by Ester ’10 who felt relieved that finally she could graduate and finish her study after she sacrificed all of time, sweat, and energy she had to finish her thesis.
Reviewing their journey en route to their success involves reminiscing unforgettable experiences along the way. From Ester herself, instead of choosing the English Language Teaching Program, she actually wanted to major in International Relationship. That’s why at the beginning of her first semester in FLL, she had no desire to attend classes. Then in the middle of her study, she found another difficulty in managing her time between studies and extracurricular activities. Entering the fifth semester, fortunately, she started to find inner motivation and passion to finish her study. However, the real obstacle came in the process of finishing her thesis. “I spent a long time working with my thesis because at that time I had to change my thesis topic for six times”, she explained. Similar to Ester, Indra also found that it was difficult to balance between academic achievement and organization activities. He was even forced to repeat an elective course because of the unflattering result in his first attempt.
Talking about graduation, there will be a question about what our next goal is. For these two students, however, they already have the answers. “Actually I really want to pursue a master's degree. But I think I need to rest for a while and try to look for a job as a teacher to apply my knowledge that I got from FLL”, Ester said. Different from Ester, Indra expressed his hope to get a scholarship and while waiting for the scholarship, he wanted to try looking for a job which doesn’t bind him so that it will not burden him once he gets a scholarship. The reason why he wants to continue his study is because he feels that he has not had enough provision to work. “I hope I can get a scholarship abroad and later return to support Indonesia’s development so that Indonesia will be able to compete in the international world”, Indra envisioned his future. As same as Indra, Ester also has her own hope for her future saying that she is determined to change people’s mindset that sees something only from the negative side. She hopes that by being a teacher she will give an influence for others to try to take the positive side of everything life has to offer.
Well, those are such wonderful goals to set and may they come to fruition someday. Once again, happy graduation for all SWCU students, especially from FLL. May God always bless us and direct our steps to reach our dreams. (Ovie ’12)


Are You Ready for Joining ED Voice?
Do you love singing? As a FLL’s students we all know about ED Voice. English Department Voice is one of the interesting “KBM” in our faculty, and singing is their main business. Beside that ED Voice have talented students with the angel voice and their voice as good as the top singers. Like Windi said as the leader of this KBM “ED Voice will accommodate students who have an interest in art, music, and vocal.” She also told that this KBM often asked by lectures to perform in the special event like: Yudisium, international seminar, and the others event in the faculty.
Welcoming the new academic year, this highly-entertaining KBM is holding their annual audition to search for unique new talents. This long-awaited audition has been scheduled for October 23-24, 2014.Traditionally, their auditions have been strict as applicants’ abilities in reading musical note and, of course, singing, are demanded.
However, Windi asserts that besides those above mentioned techniques, there is also equally-important quality each auditionee must possess, self-confidence.
That’s why she asked to always practice to prepare the audition. Beside that practice will help you to feel confidence Kang Gary’s quote “Hard work will never betray you.” Good luck for everyone who wants to join ED Voice!! (pamela’12)

EDFM’s First Project

            What comes to your mind when you hear the acronym EDFM? Camera? Casts? Film?Or nothing at all?Actually, EDFM stands for English Department Film Making. This KBM (KegiatanBakatMinat)trains not only how to make films, but also how to write good scripts. If you want to be a director, a filmmaker, or a scriptwriter, this KBM is the right place for you to develop your talents. But if you have no idea about it at all, don’t worry, you are still welcomed to join it.
            This KBM’s first project is for each team to make a short film and a video clip with the themes: action, drama, romantic, etc. There are 4 teams of 8 members altogether. At first, the teams need to plan their concepts and consult the scripts to the coordinator. If they are okay, the scripts will be given back to the respective teamsto be developed into a film or video clip. For your information, the castmay be recruited from the members of EDFM themselves or from other students who do not join this KBM.
The challenge in this KBM is that there are not enough properties for all teams. For example, there is only one sound boomer (a device like a long microphone to record sounds), while all the four teams need it to make a good quality video. In addition, although the teams use their own cameras for recording, the available tripods are also limited.
            The coordinator of EDFM hopes that the members’ enthusiasm will not decrease. She also hopes that all members have the passion and the commitment to be involved in so that they will follow this KBM sincerely and seriously.
Last but not least,should you wish to watch the films from EDFM,you must be patient because the deadline is still in November. However, you can spend your spare time watching the EDFM films that have been uploaded in Youtube. Just search  “petrichor” or “10counts”. Enjoy the films everyone! (Kartika ’14)

EDO Is Coming Soon!!!
Quite a big event that the FLL students are waiting for will be coming soon, an event where all students will support their corresponding angkatan in some sports competitions.  The English Department Olympic (EDO) 2014 will be held on November 10th, 13th, 14th, and 15th, with the theme: “LET’S DO IT!”
EDO 2014’s Chairperson, Ones’13, said that the committee members have been chosen and they have started their preparation especially in event organizing and also in fund raising.  Their fund raising spot is near the FLL staff office in the fifth floor of F building. If you are hungry you can buy some snacks and drinks, such as muffin, rissole, coffee and many others.  
The current EDO differs a bit from the past EDO. This year, more sports competitions are offered. One newly added competition is Badminton competition. Badminton is chosen as it is considered so popular that every individual is expected to know it and be able to play it. These are the sports competitions in EDO 2014:
1.      Futsal: male & female
2.      Basketball: male & female
3.      Volleyball: male and female
4.      Badminton: men’s doubles, women’s doubles, and mixed doubles
5.      Tug of war and mini games
6.      Supporter competition
7.      Cheerleader competition.
The committee has arranged the competition schedule carefully and hopes that all participants can follow the schedule.  The event’s first technical meeting has hold in October 24th 2014, and the second technical meeting will be held one week after the first technical meeting.  Ones hopes that EDO 2014 will be successful and memorable, and that the entire participants will have fun and be happy.
We will definitely have fun joining EDO 2014. EDO is believed to unite your angkatan to be the best angkatan in sports competition.  EDO will make your angkatan more solid. Have your angkatan prepared for EDO 2014? Let’s participate in EDO 2014! Let’s Do It! (April’12)

EDVenture’s Weekend Activity in Senjoyo

            On Saturday, October 14, 2014, EDVenture organized a weekend activity in Senjoyo, Salatiga. Senjoyo Spring is known as the source of clean water for the people in Salatiga. Nevertheless, the area is often dirty and it needs regular cleaning.Triggered by the love for the environment, the EDVenture team, including the coordinators, new members, and alumni, decided to clean the Senjoyo Spring area last weekend. They cleaned the river by taking and throwing the garbage from it, cleared the mosses from the ponds, and burned the collected trash. Although they spent a lot of time and energy, they did all of them enthusiastically and cooperatively.
Other than raising the awareness of the environment’s cleanliness, this activity was also designed to tighten the bond among the EDVenture team members. Cleaning the Senjoyo Spring is just one routine activity done by the EDVenture team. Other routine activities include rock climbing, cycling, swimming, tracking, and planting trees in a bare place. There is at least one activity every two weeks or every month.In addition, EDVenture also do mountain climbing and touring occasionally. They welcome any new participant to join their activities. Together, they hope they can help create a better environment for us all. (Irene Angelita ’14)

First Edition of PoWers’ Wall Magazine

Finally the very first edition of PoWers’Wall Magazine has been published. Bringing out the SumpahPemuda and Halloween issues, this edition of the Wall Magazine provides a new look on the 5th floor of F building. PoWers took the theme Supernatural View of Sumpah Pemuda because we will celebrate Sumpah Pemuda on October 28th and Halloween on October 31st. Six topics are discussed, including opinions of Sumpah Pemuda, Bahasa Alay, Tourism in Indonesia, Cultures of Indonesia, a Poem about the sense of SumpahPemuda, and a Comic about SumpahPemuda which is characterized by two Indonesian ghosts: Pocong and Kuntilanak. All of the topics are themed Sumpah Pemuda but some discussions involve the Halloween theme. For instance, in the comic, the ghosts are discussing about SumpahPemuda.
So, how about the opinions from the readers? Being placed on the 5th floor of F building, it likely means that it’s just being read by the FLL students and lecturers. How are the readers’ responses towards PoWers’ Wall Magazine? Nova ‘12 said that it was cool and it caught much attention from the readers but the content should be improved to make it better. Another opinion came from Pricilia ’12 who said, “It was cool and different from what I’ve imagined before. I thought it was just a text but there is also a comic which displays a good drawing. I also get so many lessons from it that Bahasa Alay is very distracting Bahasa Indonesia.” She added that if more drawings are added with less text, the Wall Magazine can be more attractive.
That was the discussion about the first edition of PoWers’ Wall Magazine. We will note down the suggestions to improve the quality of the next editions. We hope that all of you read and love it. It will motivate us to present a better Wall Magazine next time. For those who haven’t read it yet, just go to the 5th floor of F building and find the Wall Magazine on the wall near the Administration Office.                                                                                      
Luky ‘12


September 26th, 2014 might be the best day for Indrajaya Sartono’10. He was the winner of Salatiga Tourism Ambassador 2014. The event took place during September 22nd-26th, in Gedung Pertemuan Daerah (GPD), Salatiga. He did many things in those 5 days. He was indeed tired, exhausted, but he paid all by winning the competition.
On the first day of the event, he did City Touring. He and other competitors visited Plumpungan, Batik Salatiga, Argowisata Salib Putih, Atlantic Dreamland, and Desa Wisata Tingkir Lor. On the second to the fourth day, they got some information and trainings about general knowledge, English, Javanese, fashion, Public Speaking, and personality. In addition, they had a psychology test on the second day, and a written test, a presentation about an observation of a chosen tourist site, and an interview teston the third day. It was still the same activity on the fourth day, there were tests too but there was a talent show on the fourth day. The talent show was for individual performances of the participants. Indra performed a theatrical dance and played the violin in the talent show. He prepared a lot for the talent show. He practiced hard and even asked his friend to be his dance partner while rehearsing the theatrical dance.
Fortunately, Indra passed the selections and was appointed a finalist for the grand final session of Salatiga Tourism Ambassador 2014. On the fifth day, the last day, he was paired with Nandya Kusumaputri. They didn’t do any talent shows, but they did the catwalk. They wore traditional clothes from Solo. And finally he won the competition! But the female winner was not his partner, Nandya. He himself couldn’t believe that he was elected the winner of the competition. Mixed feelings filled his heart: happy and proud, but also burdensome because he has big responsibilities as The Ambassador of Salatiga Tourism 2014. With the limited time he had done his best for being the best and he got the best place in the competition.
He added, “An event like Tourism Ambassador is good for the youth because there are many new things that we can learn.” And he disagrees with the statement that Salatiga doesn’t have tourist sites. Actually it has, but we have to pay more attention and appreciate them.
Tia ‘14


2014 FLL Welcoming Party
            Last Saturday and Sunday (October 18-19, 2014) our faculty held an annual event for its newest comers, the fourteeners, called the Welcoming Party at Wisma Widya Graha, Isep-Isep, Salatiga. This year’s edition is the third Welcoming Party attended by not only PBI students but also freshmen from Sastra. The purpose of the event is to gather the freshmen so they can get to know one another better through numerous activities prepared by the committee and also to elect their Ketua Angkatan. Amel ’12 one of the committee said that the theme of this welcoming party is “United Greenfinity as a Creative Minority”. United Greenfinity it means that elder and younger students, PBI or Sastra student must be united in one family of FLL. Then, we know that our university applies the spirit of creative minority, as a part of Satya Wacana Christian University, therefore the Welcoming Party also aimed at introducing the freshmen about creative minority and to own that spirit. In that event, fourteen-ers also chose their Ketua Angkatan, and the result, Daniel Nugraha is elected Ketua Angkatan, congratulations! So, welcome to the club fourteen-ers, your best days at the FLL are up for grasp. -112012097-


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